Professor Griff is one of the Co-founders of Public Enemy and still serves as Public Enemy’s Minister of Information. He was also inducted into The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame as a member of Public Enemy.
Professor Griff recently released what is his sixth solo album titled “Inner G Code.” This is his first album since 2001 when he released “And the Word Becomes Flesh.” If I did not know any better I would say that this album was made for this time. With titles like ‘Now the End Begin,” “Baptize,” “Behind Enemy Lines,” and “Bleed (Don’t Shoot)” that speak to what has been happening since May 25 when George Loyd was murdered by the Minneapolis Police.
On “Tortured” Griff asks the question how we separated the liars from the lie. Many Black people in the United States feel they have been tortured in one fashion or another. Griff tells this story “looking back on this life of mine, instead of wasting time should have spent time refining my mind.” This is so profound in this day because we spend an inordinate amount of time doing things that do not strengthen our minds.
Griff has never been one to avoid speaking up for the plight of Black people. He has spoken out against this type of mal-treatment that it was the caused him to leave Public Enemy. This new album “Inner G Code” shows the Griff has not changed fever and fight to bring the truth to Black people.
“Now The End Begin” articulates his stance on “the diamond people” and what ultimately pushed him out of Public Enemy. This track starts with the explanation that some in Public Enemy wanted him to stop speaking out so they could get paid.
My favorite track on the album would have to be “Etheric Rebel” featuring Sole’ and Nikki Lee. The “Etheric Rebel” I would say is one that goes against the philosophy of the etheric bodyor the inner body. The etheric body is comprised of chakras, your ora and the meridians.
Griff tries to bring about the great awakening through “Inner G Code.” The album scores high on the lyrical content and the message that is pervasive throughout, however, the production is lacking. “Inner G Code” is nothing less than I would expect from Professor Griff in his continuum to uplift and educate Black people.
You can support Professor Griff by purchasing the album here.