Airøspace – Analogues

Airøspace debuts on SpitFireHipHop with his “Analogues” EP.

Airøspace delivers his cinematic first half of his “Analogues” tape, an expansive seven-track EP that emphasizes instrumental excellence. With a complex star system of accompaniments that include twinkling piano, crashing 808s, and overall intergalactically inspired compositions, Airøspace elevates his raps into an outrageous experience. As a rapper who describes his audience as defective humans and obsolete robots, the sonic aesthetic he creates sounds unlike anything else the hip-hop genre offers. His voice emanating an overwhelming power as he spits his raps, Airøspace’s achievement on “Analogues” is distinguished by its roaring journey toward stardom.

“Analøgues is the story of a sullen and broken young man that had fallen to the comforting vastness of his ego and eventually began finding parts of himself.The analogue (sun) is the center of his universe, and the surrounding pieces to his inner system whether normal, or abnormal – “supernova, wormhole, etc.” represent specific situations that have shaken, ruptured, or dismantled him.”

Airøspace - Analogues EP

Yoel Molina Law

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