Prestigious – Money Making Mitch

Prestigious - Money Making Mitch

Prestigious debuts on SpitFireHipHop with ‘Money Making Mitch’.

Cleveland rising hype, Prestigious, drops off his new duo of releases with the new single, accompanied by the official visual, “Money Making Mitch.”

Inspired by the hip-hop culture classic, Paid In Full, Prestigious puts his own new school feel in the official new video which visualizes the come up, pitfalls, and success that the life of a hustler provides.

Prestigious floats over the beat with ease, dropping dope punchlines and witty bars throughout. This music video is the perfect way to pay homage to the movie and culture, while bringing something new to the table.

Watch the official video for, “Money Making Mitch,” below

[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”116413″]

Yoel Molina Law

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