Eminem – Campaign Speech

Eminem releases this track “Campaign Speech” ahead of LP.

Eminem goes in on Donald Trump and his supporters. He mentions everyone from Trayvon Martin to Colin Kaepernick to David Hasselhoff and unleashes a dizzying assault of rhythmic gymnastics with “Campaign Speech,” a nearly eight-minute new track posted online yesterday. “Don’t worry I’m working on an album!” the rapper tweeted, linking the song. “Here’s something meanwhile.”

The track includes the Trump attack, “Consider me a dangerous man/ But you should be afraid of this dang candidate/ You say Trump don’t kiss ass like a puppet?/ ‘Cause he runs his campaign with his own cash for the funding?/ And that’s what you wanted?/ A fuckin’ loose cannon who’s blunt with his hand on the button/ Who doesn’t have to answer to no one?/ Great idea!”

The rapper also takes aim at the candidate’s supporters. “Run the faucet / I’m a dunk a bunch of Trump supporters underwater,” Em flows at one point over minimalist swabs of synth. “Snuck up on ’em in Ray-Bans in a gray van with a spray tan.” Elsewhere, he throws out one-liners like “stegosaurus, Chuck Norris with a thesaurus” and “Robin Thicke with a throbbin’ dick.”

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Yoel Molina Law

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