Public Enemy – State Of The Union (STFU)

Public Enemy releases the new ‘State Of The Union (STFU)’ video.

Early today Public Enemy released the single for ‘State Of The Union (SFTU)‘. They now release the visual that features DJ Premier for the aforementioned single. Public Enemy appears to be back where they were back in the late ’80s, where they were awakening the people. This song says much about P.E. and where they stand with our current President.

It’s the latest in a string of powerful messages about Trump from PE frontman, Chuck D, who has addressed Trump’s policies and rhetoric for the past several years through his work with Prophets Of Rage and as a solo artist.  “Our collective voices keep getting louder. 

The rest of the planet is on our side.  But it’s not enough to talk about change.  You have to show up and demand change,” says Chuck D.  “Folks gotta vote like their lives depend on it, cause it does.”  “Public Enemy tells it like it is,” added Flava Flav.  “It’s time for him to GO.”

[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”130475″]

Yoel Molina Law

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