Al Unique makes his SpitFireHipHop debut with this “Shea Butter (Drown In You)” video.
Brooklyn emcee Al Unique has a love jones in new video (first premiered by Insomniac Magazine). “Shea Butter (Drown In You)” is taken from his newly released EP Swag N Substance and is as he says “an homage to black women.” Possessed of a smoky soul instrumental Al describes the qualities of his love interest that have him transfixed.
The visuals are dream-like and blur between reality and fantasy as Unique as a cab driver and his passenger may be more than just friends. Speaking on the video Unique recalls “the video concept and filming was done by my homies who are also a couple, photographer Jean-Andre Antoine and artist/videogrpaher Ashleigh Alexandria.
“When I was sick from the flu, they actually sent me the record that I got the break from, and the sample captivated me from the moment I heard it. Right after I recorded the song I brought it to Ash to listen to and she called dibs on directing a video for it. I wasn’t even thinking about a video but we have a lot of beautiful and talented friends who make cameos so it came together pretty easily.”
[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”143121″]