PhillNRich makes his SpitFireHipHop debut with “Southern Gentleman” EP.
It only took seven tracks for PhillNRich to explain to the world what kind of guy he is. His new EP “Southern Gentleman” is a true reflection of Rich’s character. He’s a Southern Gentleman, being that he’s from the Southwest area of Houston, and he’s a ladies man.
Off the rip, the man let you know that although he’s for the ladies, he’s not your average guy. He’s in it for the money and not just the honey. He uses his deep tone, with his smooth voice to rap his way right around a woman. Track 1 “Mac’n” let’s you know that.
PhillNRich, maybe from Houston, but his game is nation wide. On his second track “Bellagio” the Southern Gentleman takes his game to the place where all the games are played, Las Vegas. “Bellagio” is a detailed track that describes his experience in Sin City. If you are oblivious to the Bellagio is one of the more fancy hotels on the entire Vegas strip.
I’m not going to spoil the project for you, but if you want to hear his raw and uncunt rap, just go jam track No. 5 “PWA” freestyle. He’s running the freestyle expression his player life style, while displaying real elements of rap with his word play. Go check out PhillnRich’s newest EP Southern Gentleman below and check out why we’re all feeling rich.