Bored Stiff Releases “When Worse Comes To Shove” Album

Bored Stiff makes his SpitFireHipHop with this new album titled “When Worse Comes To Shove.”

Bored Stiff shares with us this new album called “When Worse Comes To Shove.” The album is a little different than anything we have seen before. The album consists of only five tracks but each track is at least 13 minutes long.

“In many ways this project incapsulated the early beginnings of what folks would call “the BS feel”. During the 92-95 era we were making full 90 minute tapes & just letting anybody dub them to give to whoever.”

“Sometimes the worst brings out what’s needed in order to continue. Growth is good. Change is inevitable. So when worst comes to shove, we rise above, like P said. I love our story. It’s heartbreaking. But beautiful in many ways. I hope when & or if you learn our story, Bored Stiff brings you tears of joy.” Listen to the album below and let us know what you think in the comments.

Yoel Molina Law

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