Frisco Boogie releases the “C.I.R.C.U.S” album.
Frisco, the veteran Nottingham MC returns after the critically acclaimed ‘Rainbow in the Rubble’ album with a new offering. The album title sets the scene for the whole show “C.I.R.C.U.S” (Conditions In Reality Causing Us Stress.) We have all visited the circus in the past few years, lockdowns, crazy rules and regulations, conspiracy theories all form part of this circus life we have lived.
From the opening title track the carnival inspired beat with its driving piano lick provides the perfect backdrop to introduce the project. Conscious lyrics are sprinkled all over this album, with thought provoking bars in abundance. From the offset “we are all in the same boat, he said I don’t agree we may be all in the same storm, but I be sailing differently,” opens up the subject of perspective and how it can affect our reality.
While on ‘100’ Frisco raps “Prepared for parasites and leeches bleaching up the truth, sometimes the truth is still opinion with a little proof, mixed with a little bit of narcissism crushed on ice, a wise mans prepared for you to think he’s not wise.” The bars have definitely been razed on this album and with Frisco flirting with different flows and really finding his voice on this project we are treated to great hip-hop concept album.
The production for the album jumps between classic boom bap and trap inspired rhythms. Tracks like ‘100, Prize Fighters & Opinions’ will have the listener’s neck snapping while ‘Theatres of the Mind’ will have them swaying from side to side holding lighter in the sky. Frisco has once again been diving deep into the murky waters of the musical ocean to find some obscure and theme inspired samples to manipulate into sounds scrapes to complement the wonderfully colorful wordplay displayed on the project.