Goodbye Tomorrow makes SpitFireHipHop debut with “04 Money Like That Could Change Life (2k19) Freestyle.”
Goodbye Tomorrow cemented their status as occult hip-hop trailblazers in 2015 when Rolling Stone added them to their ’10 New Artists You Need To Know’ list after releasing their dynamic debut single, “Jay Z.†On October 14th, the enigmatic artist will return to the international stage with “04 Money Like That Could Change Life (2019 Freestyle).â€
The song addresses their perception of black excellence, with Goodbye Tomorrow delivering shrewd rhymes about African American’s reclaiming their inherent greatness.
“Yeah, I’m mad as fuck,†says the Chicago-based artist, who’s redefined conventional hip-hop standards since releasing their debut project, Goodbye Tomorrow: A Journey Through the Mind of a Non Believer. “A few months ago, Black people were finally voicing our collective anguish, our exhaustion, and our readiness to overcome all the obstacles that have been thrown in our path. But within a couple of weeks, our movement was hijacked by brands and “allies” who had never uttered a single syllable in support of us.â€