La Nefera ft. Arianna Puello – Quisqueya Bella

La Nefera connects with Latin Grammy nominee Arianna Puello for this “Quisqueya Bella” video.

It’s safe to say there is no artist in the world like La Nefera. A female rapper holding her own in an industry dominated by male artists. A native of the Dominican Republic, rapping exclusively in Spanish, when most Hip-Hop music is traditionally delivered in English. And doing it all from her adopted home of Switzerland. It is against this backdrop that she releases her new album A Lo Hecho Pecho (Spanish for ‘what’s done is done’), out today along with visuals for album track “Quisqueya Bella” featuring Latin Grammy nominee Arianna Puello, shot in the Dominican Republic and Mexico by 19-year-old director Miguel Alejandro. ALHP is released courtesy of Empire Music, the Swiss record label led by CEO Matthieu “MDB” Siegenthaler.

“We Dominicans call our homeland ‘Quisqueya Bella’,” says La Nefera. “This name has the origin in the Taino language, the spoken language of the first people who lived on this island before the colonial powers of Spain and France came. I wanted to write this song, because a reason why I do music is to keep connected with my culture; juggling with my mother tongue, spreading Latin vibes, heart, heat and love. That’s what the refrain is about. I asked Arianna Puello for doing a rap part. She is a very strong and known female rapper in the Spanish spoken areas. I appreciate her music so much especially when i started doing rap. She is also a Dominican woman who grow up in Europe. Her part is more critical, showing the dark side of our country and my part is rather showing why we – in spite of everything – still love and miss our home.”

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Yoel Molina Law

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