Hill Pluviose shares his thoughts about Colin Kaepernick and why he cannot get a job in the NFL.
Colin Kaepernick is now a NFL pariah. His stance against social justice toward Black people by taking a knee during the national anthem last season as a member of the San Francisco 49ers has left him waiting for a NFL to call. It is very difficult to believe the 29-year-old Kaepernick isn’t among the 96 best quarterbacks on the planet. Former Patriots defensive lineman Chris Long tweeted last week that he thought Kaepernick was one of the top 32 last season. In a recent CNN interview, Bob Costas called the Cincinnati Bengals “a halfway house for criminals.” but little is said this.
Hill Pluviose, the Rifle Squad Records head and military veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps speaks out about the apparent blackball of Colin Kaepernick. Hill who was listening to Hot 97 in New York when the Kaepernick situation comes up. Pluviose praises Kaepernick for the stance he has taken for Black people. Pluviose says that the U.S. Military and Government treat Black people like shit. He goes on to say that he has been called a n*gger in uniform.
The sentiments expressed by Pluviose in this video is shared by a large majority of Black people in this country. Should Black athletes say more about the social injustice in the Black community. Many of these athletes are from the same communities where Black people are being murdered by police. Many of us who are black will understand the emotion from Pluviose in this video. Watch the passionate video from this veteran of the United States Marine Corps and let us know if it changes your perspective of the so-called disrespect of the United States Military on Colin Kaepernick’s part.