kING dREAMS debuts on SpitFireHipHop with his ‘I’m Not Racist’ video.
kING dREAMS paints an in-depth picture of what he feels is are overlooked & forgotten issues in black culture (BlackBrother to BlackBrother). He breaks down the harsh realities in the minds of two totally different outlooks of black brothers from the same place & same struggle but ultimately envision life’s possibilities at opposite ends of the spectrum.
“I’m Not Racist†in this regard sheds light on how even being the same color, same race and having similar upbringings can cause division simply thru ones everyday lifestyle choices, and visions. Based on who, what, when, where, why and how they escape the setbacks helps pave the yellow brick road for their future. Finding a wayy out the ghetto & the urban underworld we call the streets from the perspective of these two black souls can lead to saving each other’s lives or taking them, see why? | Stay Safe, – GOD BLESS. (BlackBrother & BlackBrother)