Big Almighty Drop “B More Zoo” Feat. Raggamag, Ill Conscious & Guy Grams

Big Almighty ft. Raggamag, Ill Conscious & Guy Grams - B More Zoo

Big Almighty connect with Raggamag, Ill Conscious and Guy Grams for the new single “B More Zoo.”

Not every city song has to be a romantic ode, a nostalgic love letter or a scathing piece of social commentary.
BMORE ZOO conjures up the unforgiving backdrop of Charm City, Raf Almighty teams up with the city’s finest emcees, making Baltimore sound like a place worthy of a hip hop pilgrimage.

The track shows the strength of Baltimore emcees Guy Grams and Ill Conscious, including a post humous appearance by Raf’s mentor, Raggamag. This anthem is the calling card to the world of the possibilities and the menace of these Bmore artists. Traveling isn’t any option for most right now, but this new hip hop anthem doesn’t mean you can’t visit Baltimore in spirit. Energetic soundscape from visionary hip hop producer BigBob with LD-on-the Cut on the 1’s and 2’s.

Yoel Molina Law

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