Prowess The Testament debuts on SpitFireHipHop with “Alpha Centauri” video.
“Alpha Centauri“ is the lead single from Prowess the Testament‘s new EP Air​.​Human|Breath​.​Divine released April 1st. The song explores cosmology, philosophy, Egyptology and folklore in a converging meditation on art and science. Produced and Composed by Tim Hicks & The Dirty Church of The Cornel West Theory and Mixed/Mastered by K-Murdock for Neosonic Productions who maintained the essence of the gritty but high-quality production.
Inspired by the classic Wu-Tang Clan sound, “Alpha Centauri†sticks true to its vintage boom bap roots—refined by Hicks’ elegant use of Kung Fu movie samples and breakbeats. The video features some of D.C.’s finest hip-hop artists: Enoch 7th Prophet, Ardamus, RNL,
Shamir of WOLM, MC Logic, and The Cornel West Theory’s Tim Hicks.