Garrison Elijaah Talks Upcoming EP & Says He Is Pleased With The Results

We think Garrison Elijaah is a really talented artist who represents Hip Hop very well. The Minnesota artist last dropped his ‘Not Today, Satan (EP)’ nearly one year ago.

Garrison is now preparing another new project that has not yet been given a titled. Garrison was kind enough to give us a few minutes of his time to ask questions about the EP. Check what he said about the project and how it came together.

Does the album have a time yet?

I appreciate you for having me most importantly. It’s actually an EP and I don’t have an official release date yet but it’s one hundred percent finished and ready to go.. I’m just working on a few other things to make it even more special.

What kind of sound did you have in mind prior to recording the album?

I went into this EP pretty open minded and i knew that i wanted to create music from different perspectives and at the time of recording the music I was listening to a lot of oldies to be honest. I didn’t really have an idea of the “sound” I wanted sonically but i just knew when it felt right.

What kind of input did the producer(s) have during the process?

So much input and the process went really smooth.
I was always aiming to make the producers that I work with proud musically because that has been important to me since I started creating music.

Are you pleased with the final outcome?

One hundred percent, I feel like it’s important to have input through the whole process from the production side of things, recording, artwork and the final mixing and mastering.

What are your favorite songs and lyrical highlights on the album and why?

Great question, It changes everyday but currently i would have to say “Money Addiction” because that is a story of a loved one of mine that lost his life being in the streets. I just knew that i wanted to tell his story.. It’s been heavy on my heart since him and another love one of mine passed in the same summer of 2017 due to gang violence.

This whole EP is about them along with a friend of mine that passed in 2014 due to the same exact things. I wanted to discuss things that I seen from an outside perspective.

I never been apart of the street life but growing up with and around individuals that have you learn and see a lot.

My favorite line from “Money Addiction” is..

“You gotta keep yo balance, Watch yo back. Make yo cabbage” because those some words that i was told from my relative some years before he passed.

Was there a theme or mood you were trying to capture while writing songs?

Yes most definitely, The theme behind LPOF is about “Addiciton” to sum it all up but not one type of addiction though because there’s so many things we could be addicted to as human beings you know?

I touched on a few different topics that represented them the most in the music i was creating.

Do we hear what you envisioned in the final product?

One hundred percent and i gotta give big credit to my boy Brian Kidd from 1sound1vision because he really polished the music up and brought my vision to life. He’s my mix engineer, I call him the “Golden Ear” haha.. i really appreciate bruh on so many levels.

Are there any ‘crazy’ behind the scenes stories from these recording sessions that you can share with me?

The recording process of LPOF was pretty natural because i didn’t write any of the music, It was all direct feeling and raw emotion bleeding into the music each session.

What was the most challenging part about making the album?

I would have to say getting the exact production to fit the message i was trying to get across. I wanted to capture the exact things i was feeling and the beat has to bring that out of me and i can be really picky beat wise lol.

If you could describe your new record in three words, they’d be…

In three words?… I would have to say


Yoel Molina Law

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